
IMG_2012Choosing to be vegan for me was based on two things: my health and the health of animals. My aim is not to be preachy about being vegan, just to simply share my experiences of eating vegan on my travels in the U.S. and abroad and also how I prepare vegan meals at home.

Gardening organically is an integral part of my life. I really don’t want GMO’s or pesticides in my food-who does??? It’s been a rewarding venture learning how to start plants from seeds, when to transplant, composting and natural pest control. A tomato grown from seed and picked fresh from the garden on a warm summer day is just the best!!! I’ve also learned to love pulling weeds.

I will share recipes, restaurants and vegan resources that i find on my journey.

Enjoy the trip!!!


45 thoughts on “About

  1. Total skull! I am a fan, chef and neighbor of yours working in Southbury and living in New Milford. I am always looking for new idea’s and learning about diets, gluten free, veg, vegan ect. Thank you I can not wait to see and hear more especially about local places to eat.


  2. I am so happy you have started this blog. I have a friend that has moved back to VA from CA and she has been vegan for years. She feels so much better and doesn’t have the issues she used to. It’s more of a challenge in the south to find vegan products. Hoping I can get ideas from your blog.


  3. I’ve been a fan for many years and Im so thankfull to be learning from you. I only woke up to all the poison in our food supply a couple of years ago. I hate gmos and Monsanto but Im having such a hard time figuring out what is safe. Thank you for waking people up on how to eat right.


  4. I am ecstatic about this new blog. I was a vegetarian for the first 18 years of my life, then at 18 when I joined the Army I got hungry enough to eat anything. I developed a craving for “junk” and processed foods. I am now 24 and out of the military but can’t seem to give up some things. (like chicken). I’ve wanted to go vegan for several years and for many reasons. I am an avid animal lover and don’t agree with the way slaughter houses are ran. I also want to be healthy for myself. My body has started declining and I am too young to have any health problems. I have been a fan or Sheri and Rob for over 10 years. I’ve known they lived a envious vegan lifestyle but this blog offers an insight to daily eating at home and on the road. I really hope this is the inspiration I need! Thank you Sheri!


  5. This is fantastic. I’ve recently, due to heart disease, changed my eating habits to healthy, reversed the disease and continue to watch and know what I put in my body. I’m so looking forward to reading your blog and get some informative tips from you. Thanks for sharing. Peace 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  6. I am in dire need of healthy food ideas. I of course have a million Pinterest recipes but I’m super excited to see what you recommend! The healthy eating thing is not easy for me! Thanks for sharing!

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Found your blog via your FB page! Hubby and I are huge fans of you and Rob. So thankful for this as I am a runner/ new triathlete and certified running coach who encourages and strives to eat clean. Looking forward to following your blog! PS Enjoyed seeing Rob on Duels. My hubs and I also enjoy cooking and cooking shows.

    Liked by 1 person

  8. I love the photos you post on your media sites of your travels while touring the globe with Rob & the band. I loved your clothing line and thank you for giving fans free signed posters/stickers with a purchase, you and Rob are extremely generous with your fans. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  9. I’d love to see more about the gardening side of life. We are trying to grow our own food here too, so I’d love some tips 🙂
    Thanks Sheri 🙂


  10. Love & respect to you and Rob; what a fine gentleman and great entertainer, oh my! And you’re no slouch either. I’m following your blog, so glad I found it…thanks for doing it. Hope you might check mine out as well, but I’m pretty annoying.


  11. I have been looking for a good veggie burger recipe. I do like black beans. However, I don’t want that as the main flavor in my burger.
    Do you have a good recipe for one?


  12. Hi Sherri. While I am not a vegan, I truly love reading about the vegan lifestyle and trying new foods. I have found that I really love tempeh! Even my boyfriend, very much the meat eater, likes it so I am excited to try other ways to eat it. We’ve found that vegan food can be very delicious so I look forward to your posts.


  13. I’m so happy to have found your blog about living vegan ..I’ve been a vegetarian for 20+ years …going vegan hasn’t always been easy for me.its easy when i cook at home,even my carnavore husband and son like vegan meals. I’m going to have to go over to barnes and noble this weekend and look for Isa’s cookbook. We’ve been organic gardening for years too.There’s nothing like it.couldn’t agree with you more Sheri,about picking juicy tomatos from your garden.this year I’m going to try container gardening, when finally all the snow we got in january and february finally goes away .You look like you’re a great cook Sheri. Vegan pot luck here in new england anyone? As an aside ,you guys rock! I never miss Rob’s tour when you’re here in new england .your goats are so cute..they need a couple of llamas to hang with . Keep up your great work on this blog .


  14. I would love to go vegan. But with a blended family w 7 kids . I just can’t afford it and still feed the house a balanced meal. It’s sad that it’s cheaper to eat crap than real unprocessed foods!!! I’d love to grow my own… I used to but we now live in the middle of the woods w not enough consistent sunshine in one area. I do like reading your blog and now and then take a item from our menu and swap it up…. Every little bit helps!!!



  15. I am currently starting my own vegetable garden. This blog has really influenced me to go organic. I’m still not vegan, but working towards eating cleaner.
    Thank you Sheri


  16. Sheri,
    I cannot thank and commend you enough for blogging about your veganism in such a positive way- I’ve absolutely loved following your blog!
    As an agriculture and animal science major in my senior year of college, my education has been full of information about farming and animal agriculture. Unfortunately, most often animal science classes discuss farming practices which are done in an idealistic, perfect manner- where animals are treated the best they possibly can be. It pains me to know that it is too often not the case. While it is worth noting that not all farming practices are violent, painful, and cruel, it is undeniable that way too many farms are run in such a manner. I decided on this major because of my love for animals, and it mostly just leaves me feeling extremely torn.

    Since I live alone and do all of my own shopping, it has been easy for me to cut back on animal products. I no longer purchase meat (though I am still going through what I have left in the freezer), and use almond milk rather than cow’s milk for my cereal. I still buy cheese and eggs, but have been considering alternatives for those as well. I’m not aiming to be a perfect vegan, but I also cannot continue to contribute so much to industries in which animals are treated poorly, and are destroying the planet.


      • Thanks so much for the encouragement! Coming from a meat and cheese loving family (as well as studying in a college of agriculture) I think my biggest issue with the changes will be the adversity and all the questions. I know it’s an issue a lot of people face when they cut back on animal products. Here’s to a smooth transition!


  17. First off, I hope 2016 is full of love, joy and happiness for you and Rob.

    I can’t agree more with the health benefits of this lifestyle.

    My wife was diagnosed with lung (both smal cell and non-small cell) and pancreatic Cancer over a year ago. She was given two weeks. Chemo, a bone marrow transplant and some experimental trearments haven’t worked but her diet has kept her alive for now over 18 months!

    We had healthy diets prior to this but even her specialists agree that our diet and lifestyles are probably the source for the extra time we’ve gotten.

    Just wanted to pop in and say hello.

    Peace and love to you both!


  18. Wow, just stumbled on your blog, and I must say, it’s really cool that you are sharing. As a fan of you and Rob (absolutely love the music and films), it’s wonderful to “another side” to a celebrity.


  19. This is excellent! We’ve been big fans of you and Rob for years and always loved that you guys were passionate about animals. Reading your posts and seeing this delicious food is so encouraging. It’s just the inspiration we needed to start practicing Veganism again. We’ve been Vegetarian since we met in high school, but this is the nudge we needed to step up our game! Thank you for starting this blog!


  20. I do know that I experience a not so feeling when I tried a little bit of milk that I haven’t had for almost three years and my body was rejecting it. How long did it take you to know what you felt like you really know what you are doing with your garden? My husband and I have some land and would love love to live off it as much as we can. I know we need to eat way more vegetables and fruits than we do. I would like to know what the difference a vegetarian and a vegan is. Does a vegetarian eat just fish, cheese and eggs and a vegan doesn’t eat any meat or what the animal produces.? I am just looking for some wisdom. Thank you and take care.


  21. I have respect for you just as a person. I like new things to read and make me think. I get tired of the same boring things. I can’t imagine live on the road and trying to figure out how to stay vegan, keeping up a garden, make sure eating foods with no GMOs or chemicals. I respect you continuing do the things because you want to not because of what everyone else says. You have you and your husband Rob have something special that a lot of people take for granted in life You two keep living how you want to live and I find that awesome. Take Care and Lots of Love for you and your Hubby. P.S. Happy Early Anniversary!!!


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